HomeGroup Tour6D Let's Go Nanjing & Wuxi

6D Let's Go Nanjing & Wuxi

GatewayExperiencesExclusive Tour


Discover the rich history and cultural charm of Nanjing and Wuxi, from ancient Confucian temples to the serene beauty of Xuanwu Lake. Experience spiritual tranquility at Lingshan Nianhua Bay and explore the timeless streets of Laomendong.

RM From RM 2,790 RM 6,281per person (twin-sharing) ON SALE

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Opening Hours

Mon to Sat: 11am - 8pm

Sun and PH: 12pm - 6pm


  • Gather at Singapore Changi Airport and fly to the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties – Nanjing. Upon arrival, be warmly greeted by our local guide. 
  • Confucius Temple Qinhuai Scenic Area - Since ancient times, the Confucius Temple has been one of the most prosperous areas in Nanjing. Here, you can see historic buildings of the ancient capital and taste authentic Qinhuai snacks.

Accommodation: Zhenbao Holiday Hotel or similar 



  • 在新加坡樟宜机场集合,飞往六朝金陵-南京。抵达后,由我们当地的导游热情接待。
  • 夫子庙秦淮风光 - 自古以来夫子庙都是南京较为繁华的地方之一。在这里不仅能看到古都南京的历史建筑,还能吃到地道的秦淮风味小吃。


Breakfast | Lunch 

  • Niushou Mountain Zen Cultural Scenic Area - Also known as Tianque Mountain, it is one of the four famous scenic spots of Nanjing. Niushou Mountain has long been a Buddhist holy mountain and is one of the three most famous Buddhist mountains of the Tang Dynasty. (Includes scenic area transport) 
  • Nan Chang Street - One of the ancient streets of Wuxi, which has accompanied the ancient Grand Canal and has been a part of Wuxi people’s hearts for generations. 

Accommodation: Wuxi Feicui Bamboo Garden Hotel or similar 


早餐 | 午餐 

  • 牛首山禅意文化风景区 - 又名天阙山,是金陵四大名胜之一,现作为佛顶骨舍利长期供奉地,牛首山自古就是一座佛教名山,是唐朝最富盛名的三大佛教名山之一。(含景区车) 
  • 南长街 - 无锡古街之一,曾经伴随着悠悠的古运河,延伸在一代代无锡人的心中。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner 

  • Huishan Ancient Town - The town includes a cultural relics area, Xihui Scenic Area, historical and cultural streets, and a mountain and forest conservation area. 
  • Qingming Bridge Historical and Cultural Street - The street is rich in cultural relics, showcasing Jiangnan folk culture. 
  • Nianhua Bay Town - Experience “Eastern Zen Life Paradise, a global spiritual resort garden.” The town’s overall layout is designed in the posture of the Buddha’s flower picking. The architecture, artificial mountains, fountains, pavilions, and the surrounding plants all radiate serene Zen aesthetics. 

Accommodation: Wuxi Feicui Bamboo Garden Hotel or similar 


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 惠山古镇 - 古镇内有文物古迹区、锡惠名胜区、历史文化街区和山林保护区四个游览区。
  • 清名桥历史文化街区 - 街区内文物遗址品类丰富,涵盖了江南民俗文化。 
  • 拈花湾小镇 - 感受“东方禅意生活乐土,世界心灵度假花园”。拈花湾整体外在构造处于佛祖拈花之姿态,走进拈花湾,会发现在整体布局、假山水泉、亭台楼阁、一草一木都充满了宁静的禅意美学。 


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner 

  • Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum - Located in the Zhongshan Scenic Area on the eastern outskirts of Nanjing, it is next to Linggu Temple and Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum. The entire mausoleum complex is built along the mountain, arranged along an axis from south to north, and the entire site is shaped like a “warning bell.” 
  • Great Bao’en Temple - One of China’s oldest Buddhist temples, it is one of the three major temples of Jinling (Nanjing) along with Linggu Temple and Tianjie Temple. The Liuli Pagoda stands at 78.2 meters tall and was the tallest building in China from its construction until its decline, known as the “World’s First Tower.” 
  • Laomendong - A lively street with ancient architecture, where visitors can experience traditional Nanjing culture, including paper-cutting and sugar painting. It emphasizes the charm of traditional culture. 

Accommodation: Zhenbao Holiday Hotel or similar 


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 中山陵 - 位于南京东郊的钟山风景区内,毗灵谷寺,西邻明孝陵。整个建筑 群依山势而建,由南往北排列在一条中轴线上,墓地全局呈“ 警钟 ”形图案。
  • 大报恩寺 - 中国历史上较为悠久的佛教寺庙,与灵谷寺、天界寺并称为金陵三大寺。琉璃宝塔高达 78.2 米,自建成至衰毁一直是中国最高的建筑,也是世界建筑史上的奇迹,被称为“天下第一塔 ”。
  • 老门东 - 这里充满着浓浓的烟火气,古建筑错落有致。外地人来此要注意体验南京的传统文化,如剪纸、糖画等。“主打一个传统文化韵味”。



Breakfast | Lunch 

  • Xuanwu Lake - One of the three famous lakes in Jiangnan, this is the largest urban park in Jiangnan and the largest remaining royal garden lake in China, often referred to as the “Pearl of Jinling.” 
  • Yangtze River Bridge Glass Skywalk - Visitors can enjoy magnificent views of the Yangtze River and experience the grandeur of the bridge. Through the glass floor, you can clearly see the rushing river below, providing an exhilarating sensation of walking in the air. 
  • Zhonghua Gate - One of the thirteen gates of the Nanjing Ming City Wall, originally called the Jubaomen. Located at the southern end of Zhonghua Road in the Qinhuai District of Nanjing, it is the largest remaining city gate in China and is known as the “World’s First Moat City.” 
  • Deji Mall - Nanjing famous bigger shopping mall. 

Accommodation: Zhenbao Holiday Hotel or similar 


早餐 | 午餐

  • 玄武湖 - 江南三大名湖之一,是江南地区最大的城内公园, 也是中国最大的皇家园林湖泊、仅存的江南皇家园林,被誉为“金陵明珠 ”。
  • 长江大桥玻璃栈道 - 游客可以俯瞰长江的壮丽景色,感受大桥的雄伟与壮观。同时,透过玻璃地面,游客可以清晰地看到脚下的江水滔滔,仿佛置身于空中行走,带来一种前所未有的惊险与刺激。
  • 中华门 - 是南京明城墙十三座明代京城城门之一,原名聚宝门,位于南京市秦淮区中华路南端,坐北朝南,是中国现存规模最大的城门,有“天下第一瓮城”之称。
  • 德基广场 - 南京大型购物商场也是网红打卡点。



  • Bid farewell to this beautiful country and transfer to the airport for your flight home. 



  • 告别这个美丽的国家,然后前往机场搭乘航班回家。


  • Iconic historical landmarks of Nanjing - Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum & Great Bao’en Temple
  • Explore the rich heritage of the Six Dynasties’ capital - Confucius Temple & Zhonghua Gate


  • Confucius Temple: China’s first national highest academic institution and one of the four great Confucian temples.
  • Niushou Mountain: A recognized intangible cultural heritage site of Jiangsu Province.
  • Great Bao’en Temple: Walk through history and feel the gentle touch of time.
  • Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum: A 5A-rated national tourist attraction in Nanjing.
  • Laomendong: Ancient streets and alleys filled with the charm of daily life.
  • Xuanwu Lake: “Spring grass grows in Xuanwu Lake, faintly recalling the bamboo-fenced city.”
  • Lingshan Nianhua Bay, Wuxi: A tranquil land of Eastern Zen lifestyle and a world-class spiritual retreat.


  • 5 Breakfast | 4 Lunch | 3 Dinner
  • Specialty Meals: Jinling Sixteen Delicacies, Taihu Three Whites Feast, Zen Cuisine Feast


  • Local 4-star Hotels


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