HomeGroup Tour10D Let's Go Harbin, Hulunbuir, Mohe & Grasslands

10D Let's Go Harbin, Hulunbuir, Mohe & Grasslands

Family HolidayExclusive TourCouple


Experience Hulunbuir Grassland, Arctic Village, and Harbin’s Ice and Snow Pavilion. Explore volcanic Wudalianchi and Zhalong Nature Reserve.

RM From RM 6,628 RM 10,119per person (twin-sharing) ON SALE

For booking inquiries

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+60124287956 (Whatsapp)

Opening Hours

Mon to Sat: 11am - 8pm

Sun and PH: 12pm - 6pm


  • Gather at Singapore Changi Airport to take a flight to Harbin.
  • Upon arrival meet our friendly local guide and transfer to dinner at local restaurant.

Accommodation: Crowne Plaza Hotel or similar



  • 齐聚新加坡樟宜机场搭乘航班,前往东北城市哈尔滨。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Harbin Ice Snow Dreamland - Visit the world's largest indoor ice and snow world and experience the charm of ice and snow.
  • Harbin Grand Theatre - View the iconic building of the Music City and appreciate its unique design.
  • Wudalianchi - Enjoy the five interconnected volcanic barrier lakes formed by recent volcanic eruptions, marveling at nature's wonders.

Accommodation: The Wudalianchi Wendou Water City International Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 哈尔滨冰雪梦幻馆-参观目前世界最大的室内冰雪大世界。
  • 哈尔滨大剧院- 音乐之都外观。
  • 五大连池- 矿泉之都。新期火山喷发的熔岩,阻塞了远古河道,形成了5个溪水相连的串珠状火山堰塞湖,五大连池因此而得名。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Bei Yin Spring - Taste the mineral water from Wudalianchi and enjoy its refreshing quality.
  • Longmen Stone Fort - Explore the massive rock formations that resemble various mythical creatures and ancient ruins.

Accommodation: Jinma Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 北饮泉是五大连池一处的冷泉,因为这里的矿泉水而得名,吸引很多人来这里接泉水。
  • 龙门石寨 -片片面积大小不等的巨石群,有的形似各种石兽,有的像倒塌的城墙和古堡,其中岩石大的直径在5米以上。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • After breakfast, head to Mohe, the northernmost city in China.
  • Nine Curves and Eighteen Bends - Admire the natural scenery along the way.
  • North Star Square - Visit this famous landmark in Mohe and take photos.
  • *Note: If fire prevention measures are in effect, visit the Birch Forest Scenic Area instead

Accommodation: Fengyue Zhi Yue Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 早餐后前往中国最北城市——漠河,途中塔河午餐,沿途参观自然风景区——九曲十八弯,漠河著名地标——北极星广场;晚餐入住酒店休息。
  • *注意:九曲十八弯如遇防火保护期改为参观白桦林景区。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • After breakfast, head to the northernmost village in China-North Pole Village. On the way, visit the Three-Sided Guanyin Mountain Scenic Area
  • Explore North Pole Village, including attractions such as the Shenzhou North Pole Square, North Border Sentinel Monument. North Pole Sand Island, and the Northernmost Family. Check into a hotel in North Pole Village to rest.
  • *Note: The Northern Lights are a natural phenomenon that can be unpredictable.

Accommodation: Suojin Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 早餐后前往中国最北村——北极村,途中参观三面观音山景区,北极村内参观神州北极广场、北陲哨兵碑、北极沙洲岛、最北人家,入住北极村酒店休息;
  • *注意:北极光属于自然现象可遇不可求,4月尾-5月初可以欣赏到黑龙江跑冰排的壮观景色。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • After breakfast, travel to Genhe City, a county-level city in the Hulunbuir region of Inner Mongolia, whose name means "clear and transparent river" in Mongolian.
  • Visit the hometown of reindeer, Olonchuk, and learn about China's last reindeer herding tribe.

Accommodation: Aoluguya Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 早餐后乘车前往根河市,根河市是内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市的一个县级市,是蒙古语“葛根高勒”的谐音,意为“清澈透明的河”,参观驯鹿之乡敖鲁古雅,了解中国最后的使鹿部落。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Depart for Eerguna and visit the E'erguna Wetland
  • Visit a pastoral Mongolian family to experience their lifestyle. Enjoy a bowl of rich milk tea, and have your photo taken in traditional Mongolian attire while receiving a hada, symbolizing good fortune.
  • *Note: If the Eerguna Wetland is closed, the itinerary will change to a visit to the Liliya Leba Cultural Museum.

Accommodation: Bai Fu Yue Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 早餐后前往额尔古纳,参观额尔古纳湿地;访问草原牧民家庭,体验蒙古族生产生活,喝一碗浓香的奶茶,可以穿蒙古袍拍照,接受代表蒙古族吉祥如意的哈达。
  • *注意:如遇额尔古纳湿地关闭改为参观丽丽娅列巴文化馆。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • Cross the Hulunbuir Grassland by off-road vehicle four people per vehicle, with complimentary drone photography). Immerse yourself in the beauty of the grassland dotted with herds of cattle and sheep, and yurts. Embrace the fresh air and learn about the history and customs of the Aobao.
  • Head to Qiqihar, known as the "Crane Town," and enjoy dinner featuring the famous Qiqihar roasted meat.
  • *Note: If there is snow in early April, the off-road journey may be changed to a visit to the Hohhot Erbe Ancient City and Genghis Khan Square.

Accommodation: Hemei Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 早餐后越野穿越呼伦贝尔大草原(4人一辆车,赠送草原打卡无人机航拍)-走进中国最美的呼伦贝尔草原蒙古部落,天地间,一望无际的草原点缀着群群牛羊、簇簇毡包,尽情拥抱大草原,畅享草原的清新;了解敖包的来历及源远流长的信仰习俗,漫游大草原,下午前往鹤乡——齐齐哈尔,晚餐品尝闻名中外的齐市烤肉。
  • *注意:4月初如遇落雪不能穿越,改成参观呼伦尔贝古城及成吉思汗广场。


Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner

  • After breakfast, visit the Zhalong Wetland Reserve. Depending on the weather, watch the red-crowned crane release performance.
  • Travel to Harbin and view the largest Eastern Orthodox church in the Far East, St. Sophia Cathedral, and stroll along the European-style Central Street.

Accommodation: Crowne Plaza Hotel or similar


早餐 | 午餐 | 晚餐

  • 早餐后,扎龙湿地保护区,视天气情况观看丹顶鹤放飞表演,午餐后前往哈尔滨,外观远东地区最大的东正教教



  • We hope that you had a pleasant vacation, and we look forward to welcoming you again soon!



  • 前往机场搭乘航班回家。


  • Harbin Ice Snow Dreamland - The world's largest indoor ice and snow wonderland
  • E'erguna Wetland - China's largest wetland
  • North Pole Village


  • Visit Erguna Wetland
  • Visit the homes of nomadic herders and take photos in Mongolian robes
  • Enjoy the beautiful Mongolian tribes of the Hulunbuir Grassland
  • Travel to the northernmost village in China, Arctic Village
  • Wudalianchi - known as a natural volcano museum
  • Zhalong Nature Reserve - World's largest reed wetland
  • The Arctic Forest Sea with three-sided Guanyin, responding to the Hainan Nanshan Seaside Guanyin across the distance
  • Special arrangement to closely interact with reindeer in the original Reindeer Tribe of Oroqen
  • Experience the beauty of Harbin's Ice and Snow World without winter - Dreamlike Ice and Snow Pavilion
  • Visit Central Avenue


  • 8 Breakfast | 8 Lunch | 9 Dinner
  • Specialty Meals: Mongolian Whole Roasted Lam, Mini Hot Pot, IronPot Stew, Hand-Pulled Lamb



  • Local 4-star / 5-star Hotels



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